On day 2 of the Knitting and Crochet Blog week, we are talking about what skills we have learnt in the past year. This is a difficult post for me, because I don't think I have gained any new skills. In my first year of knitting I was pretty fearless, and tried cables, entrelac, lace, felting, using charts and working in the round. The following year I learnt to use the Magic Loop and knit socks,with all the skills that they entail (short rows, turning the heel, kitchener stitch and working on teeny tiny needles).
There is still a lot for me to learn but I have got to a level where I can do most things, so haven't taken the next step to keep challenging myself with new skills. This happpened when I was studying Japanese. I got to level where I could understand basic conversation and day-to-day topics, and make myself understood, so I lost motivation to keep going. I was nowhere near able to have a proper conversation with people, and had a lot to learn, but since I could get by, I stopped studying.
The skill I would most like to aquire is the ability to complete a project, especially a pair of socks. I have to date completed two pairs of socks.

These are the unfinished socks I found after diving in my stash bin for a couple of minutes. I'm pretty sure there is one or two more somewhere! I think the next pair I start will be two at a time, which would be a new skill, and hopefully result in a finished pair. You can see that I often get to the toe decreases and give up. Why? Because I see a new project, life gets busy, I forget where I'm up to in the pattern, hundreds of reasons, no, excuses.
Now that I've got these out and all together, I'm going to throw them in a basket, and try and work on some of them.
To see other blogs with posts about learning new skills, check out this link.
what beautiful socks! But if you don't at least finish that first pair then I am going to find out where you live and come and steal them because they are FAB and only need toes! Hmm that sounds a little stalkerish, but seriously, they are nice socks, what yarn are they?
Two at a time socks is definitely the way to go. If you are doing plain socks there is no better way to get a pair, it is so much quicker. If you don't like circs I know people who cast on each sock and knit rows alternately on each sock, so you are knitting two at a time, just on two different sets of needles, which I think is quite a good approach.
Ooooh, lovely socks! Go for the toes- we will cheer for you
That is funny about the socks! I understand your reaching a certain level of skill and then kind of stopping -- I think I've done the same thing, but I'm content with where I am now.
Hopefully the two socks at a time method will help you finish a pair!
I don't ahve any odd socks in my knitting basket, oh no not me..... (hangs head in shame...) I haven't actually finished a pair yet!
Yes, definitely try two-at-a-time! (incidently, that was my new skill of the last year. Good fun). Or you could just wear the socks mismatched. That's fun too :)
Second sock syndrome! You could just wear mismatched socks...
That is a really nice photo. Lovely socks! I agree with the others, I'd happily swipe those toe-less sockies and toe them up.
Love the socks. You can finish up the one that you have and then wear them as mismatched pairs!
I have the same problem with socks! Sometimes I only get past the heel, sometimes I finish the first one. It really helps me to knit them at them same time. Not row by row, but I'll do the ribbing for both socks and then, I won't start the heel on one, until I've finished the leg on the other sock too, etc.. It really does help!
I have yet to try socks but it was awesome to read how you were so fearless in your first year of knitting.
I really love knitting socks so I'm usually good at finishing a pair. You could always swap with a friend and they could finish your socks and you could so something for them ;)
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