Christmas crafts

Have been pretty busy the past few weeks, but this weekend had time to:

Make mince pies

Make a tree (using this link at Just Like Martha)

And make some Christmas cards

First sewing project

Last weekend I bought a sewing machine, a Brother PS 53 from Spotlight Rockdale. So far I am finding it easy to use. While I was at Spotlight, I also bought some notions, a pattern for aprons and some fabric.

I started with an apron for The Boy, made out of this cool beer label print. The pattern was Mcalls 2947 and I used view F. It was pretty easy and quick – I started it on Sunday and finished it Monday evening after work. It fits well and looks good!

Now I’ve started another view from the same pattern, in a cute cupcake fabric for myself. This version is a little more difficult, and will take me longer.

This evening, while I was taking a break from the cutting, I made a cute little cupcake pincushion, based on these pincushions.

I have so many ideas and things I want to make!

New blog, first post

I've decided to start a new blog. My old one was focused on knitting, but I want a more life based one, especially since I've just bought a sewing machine. I've also been reading a lot, so I'd like to blog about my other interests.