Okay, Christmas and New Year were ridiculously busy. Worked right up till Christmas Eve, went to Mum's for a few days, back at home for two days, in that time meeting my Dad for lunch, and packing for the following day when we went up to Port Macquarie, got back home on sunday, and back at work on Monday. Where it was full on - actually crazy busy! Whew!
But this week has been quieter, and I'm starting to feel better. I've handed in my notice at work, so am ready for some big changes this year.
Sometimes, when I don't blog for ages (I know I'm never what you may call a regular blogger, but stay with me here), I feel pressure to write an all emcompassing, catch-up post, which I never do, so I put it off and make the problem worse.
Anyway, I've got heaps to catch up with, so I'll starting small!