A Year of Projects

I read about this on Crafts From the Cwtch and it seemed like just the thing to get me organised for the next year.

Basically it is just working out my knitting (and crocheting) goals for the year, posting a list, and then every Sunday posting about my progress. I'm using my Rav queue and my UFO pile as a starter for my list.

As I only read about this last night, I'm sure I'll be updating this list over the next week. 


Sarah ~ Crafts from the Cwtch said...

Hello *wave*

What a lovely list - I'll look forward to seeing how you get on :)

Gaby said...

This is a great idea! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

p.s. thanks for the blog love :) the lipstick is ruby woo from MAC. x