I am...

Sculpture by the Sea
Listening to: David Copperfield by Charles Dickens on BBC iPlayer

Eating: Sausages from the BBQ

Drinking: Home made alcoholic ginger beer, so yummy

Creating: pages for my new art journal (will be blogging about this soon)

Knitting: A simple scarf

Reading: The Unreliable Life of Harry the Valet: The Great Victorian Jewel Thief by Duncan Hamilton

Enjoying: the fairly slow start to the year - I'm back at work, but it is quiet


I'm glad to see 2012. Last year was a hard one for me, for personal reasons, and especially at the beginning of the year, I lost a lot of my passion for reading and crafting. I am determined to make this year great, so I am working through some goals to work through this year. Some of my goals are:

  • train for and hopefully complete a half-marathon
  • run 500km during the year

  • use Good Reads to keep lists and record my reading
  • write occasional reviews of books
  • read 50 books
  • create a list of things I need, and sew then using my stash
  • work through Year of Projects
  • go through all my yarn stash - designate projects for yarn, and update Ravelry

Blogging and Social Media:
  • blog at least once a week
  • sort out photos
  • no wasting time lurking on forums - either participate or get out!
  • use Ravelry, Good Reads and Google Reader to help prioritise my time, not waste it

I also have some writing, medical and organisational goals, including starting art jounaling.

It's been great to read through everyone else's goals and resolutions in blogland, I think this time of year is really positive!

Wow, 2012's first completed project!

Today has been lovely. A sleep-in, followed by sorting through my yarn stash, knitting while listening to Cast-on, drinking tea I got for Christmas, and eating leftover Christmas cake. This is how I used to spend my weekends when we lived in England, but since being in Oz I just haven't done it. I'm going to try and make knitting a priority in my life in 2012, I get so much out of it. Including wearable knits!

I bought Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran yarn in December 2004 to make Knitty's Tempting and started knitting it in early 2005. By 2006 it was a UFO, and I notice that in August 2008 I had decided I was never going to complete it, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't wear it. I queued Shalom (link to pattern PDF) by Meghan from Involving the Senses in Ravelry in October 2008, and looks like I started it in April 2009. I have never blogged or made any other record about this project. I think I started it one weekend, worked on it intensively for a week or so, then stopped.

Shalom Close-up Front
Today, I went through my stash (one of my 2012 goals). I saw Shalom, and how little I needed to do. I finished it in 2 hours. I think the reason I stopped knitting was that I wasn't sure if there was enough yarn to make it. There definitely wasn't enough to make it full length, but I just knitted until I used all the yarn and it's a nice cropped length. It's not the most flattering garment, as it does stop right at my waist, but I think it will be great with skinny jeans and a long sleeved T-shirt.

Shalom Closeup side

The Shalom cardigan was on my Year of Projects list - so I can cross it off! I also did some knitting on a pair of socks, so I am going well so far.

2011 Summary

1. Penguin, 2. throw cushions, 3. Echino Handbag1, 4. BobbleBlue back, 5. Ripple on Chair, 6. AppalachiaProgress, 7. Amigurumi bunny side, 8. WIPknitbag, 9. EnvyCloseUp

I thought I’d done hardly any crafting over 2011, but  looking through my photos, I completed nine projects.  I also started some UFOs that I will try and finish in the next few months, and I may have completed some other small projects that I didn't take photos of!

My favourite project was the Echino handbag, I used it all the time, and still love the fabric. While in Japan last year, I picked up some more Echino fabric in a more neutral colour, so I’m definitely going to make another bag, more like a tote.

I also in 2011:
  • took part in the Knitting and Crochet Blog week, and posted a blog post every day for a week
  • ran the City to Surf (a 14km run) and raised over $700 for the Cancer Council in memory of my dad who died at the beginning of the year
  • went on a fantastic trip to Fukuoka, Japan
  • started a new job
  • lost over 13kgs doing Weight Watchers
  • attended Brown Owls (my local craft group) meetings and
  • started regular Pilates classes