Felt mascot

I've finally got a new camera, so will try to post more on this blog!

I have actually been doing a bit of crafting recently, I made this felt mascot, mostly to use in my header and avatars.

I just played around with felt, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, it makes me smile!

This weekend I've been knitting a new beanie for The Boy, sewing a dress for myself, and thinking about a cover for The Boy's DS.

I've got some photos of projects that I created just before my camera broke, so I wasn't able to get them on the computer.

This is a glasses case that I made with fabric, wadding, fusible interfacing, and sewed up on my sewing machine.
glasses case

I also went to my first Brown owls meeting, and tried some paper piecing, which was really fun, but I keep on forgetting to take a photo of my first attempt - a hexagon flower.